Here it is. A Jaywalker sock. I'm working mine from Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, in the Rainbow colorway. I'm really enjoying this pattern. And, I've only got around 6 more inches of foot left to go before I get to start the toe! Wow! (Aren't big feet fun)
I had a crisis of conscience after I finished the heel - you see, I liked the way the colors sat on the heel better than the way they pooled on the leg. I was considering starting another sock pattern with the second skein, then making a decision... but then decided to just keep going. I need the wool socks, I've been so cold this winter so far.
This month has been really interesting. Work got... hectic. Its still very busy, but less so in a worrisome way, and more so in a kick-it-up-a-notch-and-get-moving way.
My knitting kids are doing great - we've got one finshed 4 foot bandage, and 2 more very close to done. We've got a couple weeks left of class, and whatever we've got done then well graft together to make bandages. The kids are still having fun - a couple of them are really into knitting - they've been knitting with their parents while watching TV and movies.
Other than that, in the last month, I had a chest infection and my pleurisy seems to be coming back, so I'm dragging a bit. And busy, which is not a good combo. This is my excuse for not posting for a month.
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