Work is kicking me six ways from Sunday, I'm a _bit_ overextended with other commitments (remind me again why I agreed to be on the board of our school's version of the PTA?), and school started.
Since I last posted, I finished my Clapotis (its lovely to wear!), and my Potomos-Hippopotamus socks (unfortunately, out of 2 different colorways of Koigu...sniff...). I also recived the most awesome package from my Lace Swap partner. Thank You!!!!!!
Also, I've returned from Iceland, (final gallery of my pictures here, and you can read more about the adventure here) sent and had my daughter come back from French Camp for 2 weeks (highly recommend the Concordia Language Villages), had her start 7th grade, and had the little one start figuring out words (yes! the start of reading! WOOT!).
I've got some pics. Not many, and not of my Clapotis (I'm not sure why, I've worn it a half dozen times, but haven't photographed it yet!), nor of my socks. (That's because I'm trying to ignore them.)
So. A couple pictures.

Sabrina on the First Day of School. Isn't she so grown up?

I saw the amazing Sock Monkey dress at the MN State Fair. It was really impressive. I could almost see wearing a cocktail-length version :-)

And, there was this woven one. Also nice, but I prefer the knit one.

And, my Lace Swap package. Look at that dragon stitch marker! Isnt' it awesome!!! And, the purple and burgundy lace yarn is .... amazing.....
Tomorrow, I will share my Visit With The Yarn Harlot. (OK, more the story of when I got to be in the same room as Stephanie Pearl-McPhee)
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