Picture of Tubey...
I love the sweater. I'll finish it soon, really. (hopefully tomorrow, actually).
I have 4 inches knit on the body. I need 14.5 more inches. I have determined that I hate 3x1 rib (I keep trying to make it 4x1 rib).

The yarn, lovely. (Rowan Cashsoft in a steel grey color). Lovely to knit with. Looking forward to finishing.
Sigh. Trying was at least part of the goal, right?
Olympic Knitting - DNFSigh. I didn't finish my olympic knitting. I'm still 14.5 inches from the end of the body on my Tubey.
It was fun to focus my knitting, though - I kept myself from other knitting distractions for a while! Thanks,
Stephanie, for a great idea!
[pictures to come later]
I love my socks... and I love my Valentine's Day flowers.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday - it was a very nice one. I took the day off, watched Olympics, finished my socks and made my favorite Chocolate Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting for my Birthday Cake.
(Sniffle alert here)
I share my birthday with my Grandpa. He was a quiet man, dependable and down-to-earth - with a sideways sense of humor, and a true tie to the land. I have a wonderful memory of him sitting in his recliner in the pig house, talking to the pigs. For 22 years we celebrated together - and my Grandma always made German Chocolate Cake. He died 3 weeks before my 23rd birthday. Fortunately, he met both my husband and my older daughter. I miss him, but never more than on our Birthday.
(OK. Sniffles gone now)
I got nice presents - More duckies (thanks Betsy!), nice things from my parents...and.... a Ring Flash! I'm so excited!
Granted, I didnt' use it for this picture of my FIRST PAIR OF finished socks - because I'm trying to get it posted before I forget. Socks and Roses!

I have gotten many compliments on them today - I was at school this morning, and a bunch of people who have seen me knitting them there told me how nice they looked! And, they are so comfortable!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
My first pair of hand-knit socks are done,
Happy Birthday to me!
Yes, I finished my Jaywalker socks. And I love them.
(the second must be knit slightly looser than the first, it fits over my ankle better.)
Pictures tomorrow! (or whenever I get around to taking them off!)
Gah, last week was... intense.
Headed out to California for a work conference, at which things didn't quite go as planned - due to circumstances beyond my control, I only got to about half of the talks I wanted to get to. However, it is always nice to be in 70deg. weather in Feburary!
We've now released our Beta 2 of
Lightroom! Pretty awesome! Its really coming along.
It was also Trivia last weekend. The first of 2 50+ hour contests we particpate in, we came in 15th.(A very respectable showing) This contest is held out of St. Cloud, MN, starts on Friday at 5 and ends Sunday at 7. We are now focusing on the Big Contest - Stevens Point trivia in April.
Now, Knitting.
I had, until just over a week ago, decided to pass on the Knitting Olympics. I have enough stress in my life (I told myself) - why add more by trying to finish a project in 16 days. And, the first 3 days were Trivia, with very little knitting time. And, I want to finish my Jaywalkers soon.
Then I got caught up in the excitement. And, enchanted by the red dragon of the Welsh team. So, I decided to join in.
My personal challege was to knit
Tubey from Knitty. Not that its a hard sweater - but its something I wanted, and had the yarn for, and was going to be tricky to finish. But, the real challenge was to keep my scatterable attention focused on one project. Really - that's tricky. I've already needed to put off designing a Kitty blanket to match the Fish blankets. (AAHHHH! even mentioning it is making my fingers itch to work out how to do the whiskers!)
I really tried to finish my Jaywalkers first - I've up to midfoot on my second sock. However, I needed sleep on my flight on Friday. (6:30 am flight). I'm allowing myself to switch off socks and sweater so I can finish my socks!
But. The sweater is going well. I'm 15 inches (of 21.5) in on the back piece. I'm looking forward to switching over to circulars for the sleeves. I'm making it in a nice charcoal colored Rowan Cashsoft Aran, and loving it. However, I need to swap out needles sometime - the joins on the Clover needles I'm using are...rough. I have a pair of Susan Bates needles, but they are visibly smaller. I'm hoping that I can get to the yarn store to pick up some of those needles-I-love-and-can't-remember-the-name-of.
I will do that tomorrow, as I'm taking the day off 'cause its my BIRTHDAY! 35 years old tomorrow. Where does the time go?
Pictures soon. I have to get them off my camera....
Jaywalker SockHere is my Jaywalker sock.
I love the heel. I love the toe. I like the body - just not as much...
But it fits!!! (a little tight getting on around the ankle, but once on its perfect!)